Archives: Courses
A fun session for parents and their kids under 5 – yes, bring them along for some little exercises, games and tips on lighte…
A social group for newly arrived refugee and asylum seeker women in the City of Whittlesea. Come and join us to meet new people, h…
Course Summary Lots of fun! This is a jumping singing fun filled session for Mums and Dads and kids under 5. Presented by Musician…
Course Summary Life skills and discussion with lots of fun activities and shared lunch afterwards. Mostly Chinese background women…
Course Summary A Seminar/Workshop where you will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn strategies, share stories and gain s…
Course Summary This course is run on a Saturday. It deals with the challenges of becoming a stepfamily/being in a stepfamily, and…
Course Summary This interactive course is run over 2 weeks on a Wednesday night and focuses on communication and building a strong…
Course Summary Bringing Up Great Kids is a 90 min evidence-based parenting program that promotes and supports respectful, caring a…
Course Summary This 90 min program is for parents of kids who can be feisty, tricky, and super energetic or just seem to be operat…
Course Summary This 90 minute seminar is for parents and carers of kids moving from Grade 6 into secondary school. With a mix of f…